Body Appreciation
The many ways we can give our bodies appreciation, and thus build resilience.
Positive Coping Skills
We all cope differently, but using your own set of positive coping skills can help you recover from setbacks.

Optimism, and Ways to Build It
Optimism is a major resilience-booster. Here's my take on how to help yourself become more optimistic.
How my movement classes teach self-regulation along with giving you a great whole-body workout.

Energy Management for Greater Resilience
Practical tips for how to rechage your energy batteries (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) when they run low.

What Is “Spirit”?
My own practical, non-religious thoughts on what “spirit” and “sprit energy” are.
The Body’s Voice
How I discovered my body’s voice, and how listening to it has made me more resilient.

How Agility Boosts Resilience
Agility makes you feel powerful enough to meet life’s challenges - which is a key ingredient of resilience!
What is resilience and how can you develop it? Learn about it and my yearlong Resilience program here.

Self-Empowerment through Ownership and Choice
How Dr. Chambers’ online dance fitness classes help you empower yourself.

Non-Family Ancestors
The strengths that were modeled for us by our “ancestors” (family or no) can become our own and help us be more resilient.

Pay Attention to the Positives
How and why to consciously shift your attitude more towards the positive.

Energy Batteries, Self-Awareness, and Resilience
Sensing your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy levels can help you become more resilient.

Living Intentionally
What “intentionality” is and how NIA Technique holistic dance fitness helps you develop it

Actively enjoying your positive qualities while you are using them puts you on an upward spiral of self-love.

Re-Parenting Yourself through Movement
How NIA Technique holistic dance fitness can help you become your own ideal parent, meeting your own emotional needs.