
I recently noticed that when I consciously enjoy a quality I like about myself while I am using that quality, it helps me build self-love. For example, I like the way I speak, so when I am speaking and I consciously choose to enjoy that, I am taking pleasure in being myself.

I see this as a form of self-love. I call it self-savoring.

Self-Savor (v.t.): to consciously enjoy being your unique self in the present moment.

Some of the things we can savor about ourselves are things we were born with, like body parts, personality traits or talents we’ve always had. Some are skills we have learned or bodies of knowledge we have developed. Even long-term loving relationships are fair game, such as spouse, close friends, and cherished family members. My close relationships have become like parts of myself over time, because they are sacred spaces where both parties have consistently chosen to love and be loved.

In short, anything and everything about you that you like, is something you can choose to savor while it is in action.

Try it sometime. Make a list of things that you like about yourself, then watch for moments when those qualities are being used. When such a moment presents itself, focus your attention on savoring it. What does it feel like in your body? What does it enable in your life? How does it impact others? How is it meaningful for you? Focus on the pleasure of being you. Even just for a minute.

How did that feel?

Good, I hope!

You have even more enjoyable qualities than you are aware of. Be open to self-discovery now matter how old you are. Put yourself into new situations and see what is revealed about you.

NIA holistic dance fitness has helped me discover and savor a number of things about myself that can only be discovered through mindful movement. What my ying and yang energies feel like to me, how my hands express my feelings, what my body's voice sounds like - these and many more specific personal qualities have been revealed to me by NIA. NIA holds space for ALL of me - even the parts I haven't discovered yet.

Dare to self-savor. Consciously enjoy being your unique self. Enjoy at a new level the things you already love about yourself, and be open to discovering new cool things about yourself. The more we love about ourselves, the more opportunities we have to enjoy. It's a virtuous circle.

This is why “self-savoring” is an important part of self-love. It has real healing power. At least it has for me.

Paula Chambers

Dance Healer and Somatic Educator, teaching Mindful Dance Fitness classes on Zoom.

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