How Agility Boosts Resilience
Agility is the ability to change direction quickly. When you’re moving in one direction and suddenly go another way, you are using your agility.
Exploring agility as a sensation opens some interesting doors. Inside each sudden directional change, there’s a stop, a pivot point that you can sense if you try. It’s obvious with big movements, like stepping out of the way of an oncoming car (yikes!). With smaller movements, it’s more subtle.
Take cooking. Cooking involves a lot of pivoting. You step from the cutting board to the fridge and back again: that’s two pivots. Throughout the day, there are many opportunities to sense your agility.
The ability to pivot when you need to may seem like just an ordinary part of life, but it is, in fact, a real fitness skill called agility, which athletes work hard to increase.
A pivot point feels like a specific spot where you stop and shove off in a new direction.
Sensing your directional changes and amplifying those sensations by choosing to stop, start and pivot more dramatically actually builds your agility!
Why does agility matter? Because it contributes to your resilience.
It prevents injury
It helps you enjoy life by doing things you enjoy
It makes you feel powerful
That last bullet is really important. When you make a pivot, it can make you feel weirdly powerful. YOU get to decide when to stop, when to go, and where to go. You can sense your decision making power in your foot as it pushes off in a new direction! You have choices!
Feeling powerful helps you be more optimistic. It helps you believe everything will be okay, because you have what you need to meet life’s challenges. Feeling powerful is part of optimism, and optimism is a key ingredient of resilience!
Sign up for class, sense your pivots and get some of this good stuff for yourself.