Self-Empowerment through Ownership and Choice

Powerlessness is one of the worst feelings there is. Feeling like you have no ability to influence what happens to you is part of many mental health disorders including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more.

Empowerment is its opposite.

Empowerment (noun): the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.  (Oxford English Dictionary)

I like that definition because it highlights that empowerment is a process.

Less obviously, empowerment is an inside job. Other people can help, but really it is up to you, on the inside, to take the help and build your personal power. No one can empower you, but yourself.

NIA mindful dance fitness has helped me empower myself in a number of ways. For the rest of the year, I will share those ways with you in my online classes.

My self-empowerment from NIA boils down to  two things: ownership, and choice.

OWNERSHIP of my sensations, feelings, and my uniqueness as a person helped me heal my oldest wounds and find joy through authenticity. My classes will help you own those things for yourself at a deeper level.

CHOICE is something we always have at least some of - but often don’t know it. NIA gives us many choices we don’t know we have. Mainstream fitness culture trains us to believe we have to follow and comply, not lead and diverge. My classes will reveal choices that you have and encourage you to take charge of your experience.

Through these shared movement experiences, we will sense power in our bodies and hopefully in other realms too, like our minds and our emotions. I will be right there with you, taking the medicine for myself as I share it with you.

As your personal power grows, your life experience may change a bit. Notice those changes, tell someone about them, and congratulate yourself on your progress!

Paula Chambers

Dance Healer and Somatic Educator, teaching Mindful Dance Fitness classes on Zoom.

Power vs. Blame


Non-Family Ancestors