What is this class you teach?
I teach a one-hour mindful dance fitness class that benefits the whole person. My classes are based on NIA Technique (™), which stands for “Now I Am.” NIA emphasizes sensing your body in the now moment, while you move and sweat. It is both a fitness practice and a mindfulness practice because it puts you in a flow state. Yet you’re also building flexibility, agility, mobility, stability, strength and stamina. Here’s a 20-second video.
I have two left feet. Will I feel like a klutz?
Hopefully not because the environment is totally supportive of your unique body. If you have a body and can move at all, you can benefit from my classes. With regular participation, you will see improvements in your balance, coordination, agility and many other movement skills and sensations. My classes will make you a better mover - but thats a side effect. Pleasure is the goal.
I’m pretty unfit. Are your classes too hard for me?
No. Each participant moves in their own way at their own level. There is no pressure to over-exert. You can start where you are, in your today body, moving small and easy. You can start in a chair and see how that feels. No shame in dancing from a chair, or even from the floor.
I am fit. Your classes are too easy for me, right?
Nope! You can wring yourself out like a washcloth in my classes. Add energy to the moves. Do them bigger. Engage more muscles. Dare to make sounds. Go all out. Each class provides a whole hour of continuous whole body movement - and you are definitely not doing these moves anywhere else!
What does “3-day replay” mean?
All online classes are recorded, and everyone who signed up for the online version automatically receives a link to the recording, good for 3 days after class ends. If you can’t be there live, you can take the class on replay anytime within 3 days. Even if you did dance live, you can do it again! Double your money!
Will other people be able to see me?
Not if you turn off your camera. It’s good to have your camera on during conversation time before and after class, but you can turn it off during class, no problem. Even if you do leave it on, I guarantee nobody is watching you. They’re all focused on themselves. :-)
Where are your classes located?
My in person location is in Occidental, California. There is a computer in the room so that online folks can participate live at the same time, from anywhere.