Self-Love in Motion

Could you use a little more self-love? Are you, for example, hard on yourself? Is there something you’ve never forgiven yourself for? Do you frequently prioritize other people’s needs and feelings over your own? Do you have a major life desire that you are neglecting? Are you sometimes embarrassed by some of the very qualities that make you uniquely you?

All of those experiences are related to self-love. People who love themselves acknowledge their mistakes and learn from them, without berating themselves. They draw good boundaries that balance their own needs and desires with their responsibilities to others. They actively enjoy being themselves. And they choose activities that support their major life desires.

I can say that because I am a self-love warrior. As a developmental trauma survivor, I have a deep identity wound, and it has influenced my life a great deal. Looking back, I see now that almost all of my major life decisions were motivated by a quest for self-love. Today my work is animated by that quest: having found it, I am helping others find it for themselves.

Interestingly, according to Psychology Today, self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions you take on your own behalf - choices and behaviors that strongly support your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. We take self-loving actions because we love ourselves, and taking self-loving actions makes us love ourselves more. It’s an upward spiral.

A positive action I am taking this year is, I am creating a year-long online program called “NIA Dance for Mental Health.” I have received such amazing emotional healing from NIA Technique(™) holistic dance fitness that I am on fire to deliver those benefits to others - namely Mindfulness, Self-Love, Resilience, and Empowerment.

Spring quarter will be focused on building self-love alongside fitness. Together, through the inspiring movements and music of NIA, we will develop four aspects of self love:

  • Body Love - Loving your body, enjoying it and taking excellent care of it

  • Emotional Self-Care - practicing self-acceptance, self-compassion, self-expression and self-validation

  • Self-Savoring - actively enjoying being your unique self, right now, in the moment

  • Intentional Living - deciding what needs to happen in your life and taking actions to bring it about

Movement and mental health in the same hour - a very efficient use of your time!

Self-love means different things for different people. Figuring out what self-love looks like for YOU is an important part of your mental health.

Take the next step of your physical and mental health journey now. Sign up for one of my online classes.




Paula Chambers

Dance Healer and Somatic Educator, teaching Mindful Dance Fitness classes on Zoom.

Bad at Meditating, Part 3: Self-Love Meditation


Bad at Meditating, Part 2